APEX Pest Control Solutions
Serving Southcentral Alaska
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APEX Pest Control Solutions


Quality Service at Competitive Rates. Guaranteed!

We eliminate the pest and ensure they do not return

It can be a challenge for homeowners to eliminate cockroaches once introduced to the home. Once roaches are in the house, it is essential to seek a trusted professional immediately! Exterminating an early infestation can be as simple as one or two treatments. Still, a severe infestation can take three to four months. Early intervention will lessen the treatments needed to eliminate them from your home and save hundreds of dollars in the long run.

Each species' feeding habits and habitat vary; therefore, proper identification is key to successfully treating the infestation. Our first step is to always "Identify the pest." Then, we develop a plan using IPM to eradicate them. We utilize several Treatment Methods simultaneously to eliminate the pest and ensure they do not return.

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eliminate cockroaches
American cockroaches

American Cockroaches

Of the common cockroach species, the American cockroach is the largest. Sometimes referred to as water bugs. They can be up to 1 1/2" long and live up to two years. They have a shiny body ranging from reddish-brown to dark brown and have a yellow margin on the pronotum, right behind the head. 

American roaches prefer warm, moist environments and will move indoors during colder months. They prefer temperatures around 84 degrees and do not survive well in the cold. American roaches are among the fastest insects, and the adults will fly if necessary. They will feed on almost anything, including decaying plant matter, dairy, grain products, dead animals, and other roaches. They are especially fond of fermenting fruits. 

German Cockroaches

German Cockroaches

The German cockroach is the most common of all species of roaches. It is also one of the most persistent and difficult pests to eliminate. In perfect conditions, one female cockroach can produce hundreds of thousands of cockroaches in a year.

The dark brown parallel stripes identify adult German cockroaches. Females tend to be darker than males, and nymphs are dark brown to black with the same dark stripes on their backs. While German cockroaches have wings, they rarely fly. Instead, they prefer to run. 
German cockroaches prefer a 70° to 95° F temperature with humidity at 90 to 95%. Still, they can thrive in less than ideal conditions as well. Primarily found in kitchens and bathrooms, they will assemble in the dark, warm, moist cracks and crevices near their food and water source. Some of their favorite spots are under and above refrigerators, under the sink, around hot water pipes for warmth, and cold water pipes for water condensation.  

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches have a shiny black to a dark reddish-brown color. Adult males are about 1" long with wings going three-quarters down the length of their backs. Adult females are one ¼" long and are wingless. Despite having wings, the male cannot fly.

Oriental cockroaches are found outside, feeding on moist vegetation and decomposing plant matter. Oriental cockroaches are nocturnal and congregate in the dark, damp areas such as leaves, downed trees, stones, firewood, decks, and crawl spaces. Although their habitat is usually outdoors, oriental cockroaches invade homes during the spring and summer. They will enter under doors and along plumbing pipes.  

Resolution Plan

  • We listen to the client! 
  • Identify the type of pest and locate the source of the problem to ensure the correct steps moving forward. 
  • Suggest how preventative measures you can take to reduce or eliminate the problem yourself. 
  • If you need Apex Pest Control Solutions beyond that point, we will provide an estimate and explain the treatment plan. 
  • Install mechanical barriers to prevent pests from entering your home.  
  • Suppose the pest problem is past the point of the effectiveness of the mechanical barriers. In that case, Apex will determine a safe and effective chemical control.  
  • Monitor results and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. 

Do It Yourself Tips

  • Clean, clean, clean! Whether tackling roaches yourself or using a professional pest control service, it is imperative to clean up any possible food source. 
  • Keeping food in the kitchen and dining area only makes cleanup easier. 
  • Do not leave dirty dishes on the stove or in the sink overnight. 
  • Store unsealed food products, including pet food, in airtight containers. 

Places to check for spilled food are:

  • Sinks, stovetops, floors, countertops, pantry shelves, under the stove, and refrigerator. 
  • Pet food should not be left out overnight or during the day. After feeding, stow away the remaining food in airtight containers.  
  • Roaches can live several weeks without food but only several days without water. Keeping sinks clean and dry will help pest control efforts.  
  • Fix dripping faucets and cover drains. 

There are approximately 4,600 species of roaches; however, only about 30 known species are known to inhabit human dwellings. Of those thirty, the four common roaches you may encounter are the American, Brown Banded, German, and Oriental roaches.

Roaches spread up to 33 kinds of bacteria, including E. Coli, Salmonella, and parasitic worms, which can cause asthma, food poisoning, or gastroenteritis.

If your effort to control Roaches does not resolve the problem, Contact Us or call Apex at 907-351-5531 today.

With Apex Pest Control, you can enjoy your home as it should be, Pest Free. 

APEX Pest Control Solutions
Copyright © 2025 APEX Pest Control Solutions, All Rights Reserved.

Phone: (907) 351-5531 • Email: nobugs@apexpcsak.com
Certification Numbers:
10875-2603-7, 10766-2405-7/10
National Pest Management Association
Aprehend Biological Bed Control Professional
Angi Super Service AwardBest of The Valley